Before you get started working on any guitar speed training exercises or activities with this site or other sites, there are some things that you need to know about guitar shredding.
Developing speed on the guitar is neither hard nor easy. Sounds funky, I know, but you need to start thinking this way first. You see, playing guitar at an advanced level is just as much of a mental process as it is a physical process.
Believe it or not, but its actually the mind that is the deciding factor when trying to make grounded progress on the guitar. It is usually the mind that gives in before the hands, during moments of frustration.
Not to sound all zen like, but you need to master your thinking and perception of what is going on. Playing guitar very fast requires pure focus and attention to details.
You should also understand that though the process for developing speed is the same, everyone must put their own twist on it. Yes, there is such a thing as bad habits, and the goal here is to replace those bad habits with good ones, but every guitar player is completely different from the last, and therefor must make guitar shredding their own.
You'll probably have to learn how to take some of the exercises and techniques that I show you, and put your own twist on them. Every guitar player's hands are different, so it is not necessary for us to always use the guitar pick in the same manner. I am not promoting that you can just do whatever you want though.
There is a science, that is both physical and mental when it comes to guitar speed training, and I talk about this a lot in my book The Essential Guide To Guitar Virtuosity.
So you're probably asking yourself by now "where do I start". I would recommend that you start with the very first lesson on this site, Guitar Shred Lesson #1 - Alternate Picking Exercise #1.